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Looking for Over-the-counter Diarrhea medicines that you can easily buy online in Metro Manila and throughout the Philippines? Look no further than MedsGo! We offer a wide variety of generic and brand name Diarrhea medicines at an affordable price, with fast delivery right to your door. Whether you're looking to order Diarrhea medicines with Same day delivery or just looking to save money, our online platform has got you covered. Our easy-to-use online portal allows you to browse and purchase all your favorite Diarrhea medicines without ever leaving your home. So why wait? Buy online Diarrhea medicines from MedsGo today and enjoy the convenience of fast delivery and low prices, all from the comfort of your own home!

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5060 4450
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Erceflora is used to treat acute and chronic diarrhea by restoring the balance of intestinal flora. It helps regulate bowel movements and improve gut health, reducing diarrhea symptoms. It is effective for acute diarrhea (up...
BrandErceflora Kiddie Dosage2 Billion / 5ml
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Indications Acute Diarrhea with a duration of 14 days or less due to infections, drugs or poisons; Chronic or persistent diarrhea with a duration of more than 14 days; Treatment and prophylaxis of intestinal flora imbalance and resulting endogenous dysvitaminosis; Adjunctive treatment to...
BrandNovaflora Dosage2 billion CFU/5 mL
Indications/Uses This medicine is used in the treatment of children and adults with dehydration due to diarrhea (except those with severe dehydration). This medicine replaces fluid and electrolytes (body salts) lost due to diarrhea and/or vomiting.   Dosage/Direction...
BrandHydrite PackagingGranule for Solution 2's
Indications This medicine is used in the treatment of children and adults with dehydration due to diarrhea (except those with severe dehydration). This medicine replaces fluid and electrolytes (body salts) lost due to diarrhea and/or vomiting. Dosage Dissolve the contents of one...
BrandAmbilyte Dosage520 mg 2.7 g Formulation: Each Sachet (4.1 g) contains: Sodium Chloride Glucose, Anhydrous Potass IU m Chloride TriSodium Citrate, dihydrate Each Sachet (20.5 g) contains: Sodium Chloride Glucose, Anhydrous Potass IU m Chloride TriSodium Citrate, dihydrat
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950 800
You save: 1.50
Diatabs is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits.Loperamide can also be prescribed for diarrhea linked with inflammatory bowel disease, which involves inflammation of the digestive tract.
BrandDiatabs Dosage2 mg
I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Erceflora is used to treat acute and chronic diarrhea by restoring the balance of intestinal flora. It helps regulate bowel movements and improve gut health, reducing diarrhea symptoms. It is effective for acute diarrhea (up...
BrandErceflora Dosage2 billion / 5 mL
Indications/Uses This medicine is used in the treatment of children and adults with dehydration due to diarrhea (except those with severe dehydration). This medicine replaces fluid and electrolytes (body salts) lost due to diarrhea and/or vomiting.   Dosage/Direction...
BrandHydrite PackagingGranule for Solution 2's
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Imodium Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits. Loperamide...
BrandImodium Dosage2 mg
Indication Helps prevent dehydration and replace nutrients and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea in adults, children &, infants. Administration Drink as needed. Storage Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C MedsGo Class Electrolytes &...
BrandPEDIALYTE-30 PackagingSolution 500ml
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Harvimide Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits....
BrandHarvimide Dosage2 mg
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Lomotil Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits. Loperamide...
BrandLomotil Dosage2 mg
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Loperamed Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits....
BrandLOPERAMED Dosage2mg
Indication Helps prevent dehydration and replace nutrients and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea in adults, children &, infants. Administration Drink as needed. Storage Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C MedsGo Class Electrolytes & Minerals
BrandPEDIALYTE-30 PackagingSolution 500ml
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Imodium Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits. Loperamide...
BrandImodium Dosage2 mg
Indications/Uses This medicine is used in the treatment of children and adults with dehydration due to diarrhea (except those with severe dehydration). This medicine replaces fluid and electrolytes (body salts) lost due to diarrhea and/or vomiting.   Dosage/Direction...
BrandHydrite PackagingGranule for Solution 1's
Indications/Uses This medicine is used in the treatment of children and adults with dehydration due to diarrhea (except those with severe dehydration). This medicine replaces fluid and electrolytes (body salts) lost due to diarrhea and/or vomiting.   Dosage/Direction...
BrandHydrite PackagingGranule for Solution 20's
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Lomotil Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits. Loperamide...
BrandLomotil Dosage2 mg
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3500 3200
You save: 3.00
BrandLILIBACIL-2B Dosage2 Billion Spores / 5ml
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I-click para basahin sa Tagalog >>> Indications / Uses Harvimide Loperamide 2mg is used to treat diarrhea. It decreases the speed at which gut contents move, resulting in firmer and less liquid stools. Additionally, it decreases the frequency of bathroom visits....
BrandHarvimide Dosage2 mg
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