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Indications Nutritional supplement to meet the nutritional needs of children during rapid growth and development.   Administration Administer with or without food.   Contraindications Hypersensitivity to any component of the formulation. Refer to manufacturer...
BrandMyrevit PackagingSyrup 120ml
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Indications Nutritional supplement to meet the nutritional needs of children during rapid growth and development.   Administration Administer with or without food.   Contraindications Hypersensitivity to any component of the formulation. Refer to manufacturer...
BrandMyrevit PackagingSyrup 60ml
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BrandMyrevit DosageVit A (325 mcg) / Vit B1 (400 mcg) / Vit B2 (400 mcg) / Vit B6(600 mcg) / Vit B12(1.5 mcg) / Vit C(30 mg) / Vit D3 (10 mcg) / Folic acid (30 mcg) / Niacinamide (8 mg)


  • 45
  • 89
Drug Ingredients
Drug Classification
Drug Flavor
Dosage Form