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Indications/Uses Temporary relief of painful conditions of the oral cavity including: Tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers eg, aphthous ulcer, radiation mucositis, post-orosurgical and periodontal procedures, swelling, redness and inflammatory conditions. Chlorhexidine in...
BrandDifflam Dosage3 mg / 1.33 mg
In stock
Indications/Uses Temporary relief of painful conditions of the oral cavity including: Tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers eg, aphthous ulcer, radiation mucositis, post-orosurgical and periodontal procedures, swelling, redness and inflammatory conditions. Chlorhexidine in...
BrandDifflam Dosage3 mg / 1.33 mg


  • 85
  • 310
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